[10.23.2010] R5.7 v4 Stable uvoc 2.6.32 for Sense Roms V4(CFQ/UV950mV/OC1113Mhz/EXT4/CIFS+utf8) change log Fix for slow SD card speed with HTC's Froyo Kernel 갤러리, 동영상, SD에 관련된 전체적인 속도가 올라갑니다. 촬영했던 동영상이 끊김없이 플레이되는군요. [출처] [10.23.2010] R5.7 v4 Stable uvoc 2.6.32 for Sense Roms V4 Fix for slow SD card speed -wifi g mode patch (hTC [HD2/디자이어/넥서스원/레전드/에보/와일드파이어/아리아]) |작성자 베르나르도게으른
R5.7 Transform New Kernel dump UVOC 2.32.15-piranha _ FloHimself@MacBook #16 ---- @1113mhz Default - Max @1300mhz - BFS.HAVS.UV.OC.GPU+ (thanks to FloHimself) -fix battery drain -add bluetooth HID support -fix hotspot -Revised system control for new kernel -Added Aura CPU Manager -updated new kernel build 2.25.771.1 Libs R5.7b New Kernel dump UVOC 2.32.15-piranha _ FloHimself@MacBook #16 ---- @1..
[10.16.2010] R5.7 v4 Stable uvoc 2.6.32 for Sense Roms V4(CFQ/UV950mV/OC1113Mhz/EXT4/Audiomod/CIFS+utf8) is up [출처] [10.16.2010] R5.7 v4 Stable uvoc 2.6.32 for Sense Roms V4(CFQ/UV950mV/OC1113Mhz/EXT4/Audiomod/CIFS+utf8) is up (hTC [HD2/디자이어/넥서스원/레전드/에보/와일드파이어/아리아]) |작성자 베르나르도게으른 http://www.mediafire.com/?9xxjpt846iopfnx
// IP using System.net IPHostEntry ipHostInfo = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0]; // Mac address using System.Management; protected string GetMacAddress() { ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"); ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances(); string MACAddress = String.Empty; foreach (ManagementObjec..